
Maintenance of artificial turf for soccer fields

20 Nov 2023

At Mallorca Grass we are expert installers of artificial grass and, in particular, we are specialized in the installation of artificial turf for soccer fields.

Far removed from the controversy generated by the new european regulation which regulates the substrates to be used for the artificial turf of soccer fields, in Mallorca Grass we would like to talk to you on this occasion about the importance of maintenance to ensure a perfect maintenance of this type of sports surfaces.

As we explained in our blogthe soccer fields with artificial turf that currently use substrates that will be banned by these regulations do not have to be replaced, but, on the contrary, they can continue to be used as long as they are in a position to do so.
It is therefore very important to carry out a
correct maintenance to show its original color, extending its service life and ensure that players and soccer players are able to continue to use these facilities in complete safety.

What Periodic Actions should be performed to Maintain the Artificial Turf of a Soccer Field?

The maintenance of a soccer field with artificial turf should follow the following procedure:

Surface cleaning

The first Work Performed to maintain the artificial turf to maintain the artificial turf of a football of a soccer pitch is to clean it clean it.
Hay que retirar hojas, plásticos… y cualquier otro tipo de restos que hayan quedado en la superficie.

A simple sweeping is enough to keep the lawn surface free of debris. free of debris.
Dado que los campos de fútbol suelen ser extensos, recomendamos utilizar equipos de limpieza específicos para tal fin que son altamente eficaces.

Surface decompaction

The surface must then be decompacted.
aeration of the artificial turf surface is carried out using a special unit equipped with metal springs that are inserted into the silica to remove and aerate the elastic layer for deeper cleaning. This operation must be performed longitudinally or transversally to the fielddepending on the initial arrangement in which the turf rolls were placed on the surface. To preserve the integrity of the joints glued with polyurethane glue, it is fundamental to avoid decompacting in the opposite direction to the gluing..
Esto ayudará a evitar que las juntas se despeguen y
will continue to adhere to. From Mallorca Grass we recommend to perform this operation at least twice a year to keep the lawn in optimal conditions.
Pero, mientras más se use, con mayor frecuencia se deberá repetir.

Brushing of artificial turf

The operation is carried out using a triangular triangular device with flexible brushes that distribute the elastic load, thus returningthus returning the artificial turf fibres the artificial turf fibers to their initial position..

To perform this operation, a special hydrostatic tractor with wide wheels is used, so as not to damage the synthetic turf.
The operation is carried out
describing an oval pattern along the length and width of the field.We advise you NOT to carry out the brushing with any vehicle as the wheels could cause burns on the artificial grass or generate wrinkles.
In addition, the excessive weight of the vehicle could compact the SBR rubber granules.

Checking backfill loads

Once the artificial turf has been decompacted and brushed, we evaluate the amount of infill needed to leave it in perfect condition.s.
For this, we use a
thickness gauge which measures the amount of filler.
Visually we can appreciate the
length of fibers left in the air.
Lo idóneo es que esta longitud varíe entre
half a centimeter and a centimeter.

If necessary, we will provide substrate (granulated rubber, for example), to compensate for those areas that require it.

Review of critical points

The amount of SBR rubber granules in the SBR rubber granules in the penalty spot area and in the corners after distributing the filler, as they are after distributing the filler, as these are areas areas subject to high wear and tear.
En caso de un deterioro severo, se deberán reemplazar.

Control and repair of open joints

At this point, it is necessary to visually check all separate joints and seams and subsequently repaired with bicomponent polyurethane glue and geotextile.

This action is essential for the correct maintenance of the artificial turf of a soccer field since, when breaking, it would cause an early wear of the turf. Repairing it would no longer be so simple, because they would not coincide with each other, having to put a patch with new artificial turf that would not match with the other. would not be as aesthetically pleasing or natural as the original..

Weeding and herbicide treatment

Should they appear, all weeds will be eliminated to the root, making sure not to damage the base of the pavement.
In addition, as a preventive measure, a biodegradable herbicide treatment will be applied in these areas and around the field, which will not harm the artificial turf.

Finally, we should also carry out a check of the gutters and drainage system. and drainage system. that drain the artificial turf of the soccer field.
Once these steps have been taken, the artificial turf will be in place.
perfect conditions so that players can continue to play.

In summary, as long as these periodic actions are carried out and correct maintenance is followed, soccer fields with artificial turf will be able to continue to be used in optimal conditionsas we said at the beginning, ensuring, not only the player safety but also the aesthetics and durability of the field.

If you need from Mallorca Grass let us help you with the maintenance of your soccer field, do not hesitate to contact us.
team of professional experts will be pleased to advise you and offer you the best solutions for for the care of artificial turf of your field.

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